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What is Dealer’s Choice?

Dealer’s Choice: The Complete Handbook of Saturday Night Poker is a cornucopia of games that will delight your poker table. Heavily revised and updated from the original 2005 edition, the 15th anniversary edition brings you right into the poker games of its authors: James Ernest, Phil Foglio, and Mike Selinker. Lavishly illustrated by Phil, this new edition will be a staple at every poker night you attend.

How many poker games are in here?

The Dealer’s Choice softcover contains the rules to 400 poker games, including old favorites like Omaha and Chicago, and bizarre house constructions like Demolition Man, Black Jack Shellacque, Frankenstein, and Night Baseball of the Living Dead. We added a passel of additional games from our columns in Bluff Magazine. And then we made up a whole bunch more.

How many poker games are in here?

The Dealer’s Choice softcover contains the rules to 400 poker games, including old favorites like Omaha and Chicago, and bizarre house constructions like Demolition Man, Black Jack Shellacque, Frankenstein, and Night Baseball of the Living Dead. We added a passel of additional games from our columns in Bluff Magazine. And then we made up a whole bunch more.

What else is in the book?

The book also features valuable tips for how to host a poker night, how to design your own games, how to win at poker, and how to talk like a poker player. Every copy of the book comes with a PDF and an ebook. It’s cool.

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Where can I get it?

Dealer’s Choice: The Complete Handbook of Saturday Night Poker can be found on the Lone Shark Games store.